Sep 25, 2008

Swing State or Just Swingers?

The composite look at recent Presidential polls for Michigan at shows an uptick in support for Obama to a 5% advantage over McCain. Personally, I have noticed HUGE Dem advertising efforts on radio, television, dozens of letters to the editor in the local papers, yard signs and bumper stickers. As for me, I can now recognize Obama's voice almost instantly, even without visuals.

However, many local households that have been consistently Dem sign-bearers in past elections are not sporting any signs this time. Huh? In response, it seems that the Dems are trying to "shame out" the vote by accusing the less than full-throated among themselves of being racists. This is a different kind of campaign? Future administration? Give me a break.

It seems like the more Dems we elect in Michigan, and attempt to elect (can you say John Kerry?), the worse our economy becomes. This includes US Senators and on down too. Now don't entirely misunderstand me here. We have some all-time great Dems from this state: Conyers, Dingell and C. Levin to name three. Love them or hate them, it doesn't change their greatness. Unfortunately, the rest of the tag-a-long Dems (can you say Debbie Stabenow?) haven't had a single creative thought their entire tenure in office.

Is it possible that the national Dem issues are no longer good for Michigan? Apparently, our tremendous mix of skilled work force, high-tech manufacturing, engineering, and international accessibility are no longer desirable. The car companies are on the brink. The arsenal of democracy has been used up and spit out.

Our business climate certainly improves with greater Republican numbers in office and/or voted for. Unfortunately, the state party is often quite an offensive, arrogant bunch who are not very united at all and do not have effective leaders. They present good candidates who do not have a coherent state-wide party organization behind them. I guess that makes them unworthy of being elected in and of itself.

I wonder if McCain is going to spend the money in Michigan that Obama has? As far as my perceptions, it sure seems like I am seeing and hearing Obama waaaaaayyyy more than McCain. I hope he does, so that a contrast between the two men can be readily made without being "nuanced".

In past presidential primaries and contests I have not been a McCain supporter but never formed a negative opinion of him (other than the Keating that all?). With Obama, I have formed an opinion of him that is decidedly no opinion whatsoever. He talks good. He should be a radio broadcaster. But what are his policy positions? What are his fundamental values and judgement system based on? Does he even have fundamental values and a judgement system? Where has he been and what has he done?

I have listened for over a year now and I cannot answer those questions. Is Obama different somehow than the party that backs him? His handlers? Somehow I do not think that is possible. Will Michigan elect a great unknown?


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