Sep 9, 2008

A Dangerous Situation for Europe

September 8, 2008

Oh look! Medvedev just told Sarkozy he would withdraw troops from Georgia within a month. Are we to believe this for the third or fourth time? To be blunt, Medvedev is looking quite similar to that guy...Baghdad Bob?...who told the world about Saddam's intentions when the U.S. invaded Iraq.

So ultimately, Putin would separate Europe from the U.S. Knowing that the historical european rivalries would, again, reduce each other to helplessness against his onslaught...properly timed, of course, and not necessarily militarily either. There sure seem to be an awful lot of old cold warriors and their next generation running about. It should be fairly simple for the rest of us to get back into thinking geo-strategically like the old days. NOT.


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